In my last correction:
Wow! I love correction. I have believed that the beast of Rev 13 is the European Union for 20 years but recently I thought the Lord corrected me and showed me that Islam is the beast. Then, after I had explained this new revelation here I realized it could not be true because of certain scriptures. So I went back with the EU.
Thank you Jesus!
Well, it happened again.
Bible prophecy is not simple. It requires true humility and the ability to say I was wrong. Something was nagging me in my spirit.
Remain teachable, always question your understanding and eventually God will
lead you into all truth, if you don't refuse correction. Once you believe you have it and quit hearing you are stuck.
So concerning the 10 horns, we must understand that Daniel 7 describes 4 kingdoms. The first is a lion and Daniel 7 reveals that this was Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian kingdom.
The second was a bear and Daniel 7 reveals it was the Medes and the Persians.
The third was a leopard
and represented Alexander the Great from Grease.
These kingdoms all followed each other. Then Daniel 7 says there is a forth beast that is diverse from all of the others. It has 10 horns.
The kingdom that followed the first 3 kingdoms in history was the Roman Empire.
One thing we need to understand is that these kingdoms all ruled over Israel. These kingdoms were around long before but when speaking in prophecy it is only who rules in Israel that counts. Since 2000 BC there have been other kingdoms that ruled around the Middle East but they did not Rule in Jerusalem.
Around 200 AD the Roman Empire was changed to the Holy Roman Empire by Constantine when he declared Christianity the religion of Rome. The reins went from the emperor to the Pope at some point. Then around 400 AD the Germanic Horde came down and sacked the western Roman Empire but recognized the Pope and left him in power. The Roman Empire began to go through a metamorphosis. Power began to shift from the Emperor to the Papacy. But it was still the same beast.
When we look at the statue in Daniel 2 we see that there were actually 5 kingdoms. Again we must understand that the kingdoms have to be ruling over Israel to be anything to do with these beasts or kingdoms.
So Daniel 2 tells us that:
1) The head of gold was Nebuchadnezzar
-in Daniel 7:4 this was the beast like a lion with wings of an eagle
2) The breast of silver was the Medes and the Persians
-in Daniel 7 this was a beast like a bear with three ribs in its mouth
3) The belly and thighs of bronze was Alexander the Great from Greece, later replaced by his 4 generals and divided into 4 regional kingdoms
-in Daniel 7 this was a beast like a leopard with four wings
4) The legs of iron was the Roman Empire
-in Daniel 7 the beast with iron teeth and 10 horns or kings
5) The feet of iron and clay
-this is the Roman Catholic Church reigning over the European Union which is still the Holy Roman Empire. Though it has gone through many changes the EU is still the Roman Empire for it was never really conquered. The reigns were slowly taken over by the RCC which has never been unseated even when the Germanic horde invaded.
What we are presented with here is a conundrum; a confusing and difficult problem or question.
History is definite about the kingdom following Alexander the great. Rome followed Greece and the 4 generals.
But the beast with 10 horns in Daniel 7 is diverse from all of the 3 beasts before it and in revelation 13 we see that it has retained the characteristics; like a leopard, feet of a bear, and mouth of a lion, which we know are now all Muslim States.
Most who teach Rev and Daniel teach that Russia is the bear and China is the Leopard. However, scripture tells us different. It tells us that the bear is the Medes and Persians and that the Leopard is Greece.
Look at Daniel 7 again and the words used:
7:7) the 4th beast is diverse, different, from all of the beasts before it
7:24) a little horn rises up among the 10 horns that is different from all of the 10 horns and subdues 3 of the first horns
7:12) the rest of the beasts were allowed to continue for a season and a
time even after Jesus takes over.
When Rome conquered the Middle East it did not replace the kingdoms that were there as most armies do. Rather it brought them under their control like a big brother. So Rome controlled them, like in Israel where Rome sent Herod to govern Israel, not to take over Israel.
Rome was quite different from all of the former kingdoms as it allowed the former kingdoms to remain as long as they paid tribute to Rome. So the bear, lion and leopard still ruled under him in the Middle East. This is why they can continue after the 10 horns are taken out. It is just big brother that is taken out.
This should prove that Islam is not the beast with 10 horns of Revelation because a 10 nation confederate Islam never existed at the time of Christ. Daniel 7 says there are 10 and another little horn rises among them. That is 11 in total.
The 10 horns only reign for a time, times and a half a time. Other scriptures prove this is only 3 1/2 years. The EU has been around longer than this and if it is considered to be the revived Roman Empire that has been around for over 2000 years.
Is it possible that all of the regions ruled by the 4 generals have hardly changed since their conception and that they still exist? The main difference in them from the past is the introduction of Islam started around 400 AD by Mohammad.
Another popular teaching is that the earth will be divided into 10 regions called Unions consisting of many countries each. These are the United Americas, the United Kingdom, the United Soviet Union, European Union, United African States, etc. However, this does not fit the Statue of Daniel or the history of the beast and it would leave no countries to make up the second beast with 2 horns in Revelation 13. Horns are nations according to Daniel 7.
So how can anyone believe that the nations of Islam or the 10 Unions could be the beast with 10 horns when they did not rule at the time of Jesus or any time since Alexander the Great? That is confusion.
Now is when it gets tricky. The 10 horns start out as the EU but eventually come under Muslim rule as the little horn of Daniel 7 joins and subdues three of the 10 nations.
Understand that our understanding also goes through its own metamorphosis as we study and learn new things relating to prophecy. When we stop allowing this metamorphosis to take place we stall in our growth and limit the Lord in how he can use us.
So the Vatican now rules the hearts of the rulers of the European Union. It has
27, (and growing) nations that have come under one flag. These nations are all
Christian nations under the rule of the Papacy. Hence Rome still rules these
nations today.
Of these 27 nations, according to a source I found about 7 years ago, only 10 have any power to veto. My source said these 10 nations are called full members and are the only nations in the 27 nations who have the right to veto any recommendations put forth by the reigning High Representative of the Union. Because of this fact they rule over the lesser member states. He claimed that these 10 are the beast of Daniel 7 and 8 and Revelation 13. They are the 10 horns and are the iron of Nebuchadnezzar's fifth kingdom in Daniel chapter 2. The clay of the fifth kingdom of iron and clay feet is the Papacy. The Papacy, Babylon The Great, rides the beast and therefore holds the reins for control.
When looking at Rev 12 and 13 we see the beast has 7 heads as well as 10 horns. These 7 heads could be the 7 mainline religions that have all come together to form the new One World Religion, or New World Religion as some call it. These heads are the Dragon of Revelation 12 and 13. They will rule the apostate church in the last 3 1/2 years and persecute the woman in Rev 12 who is the true bride of Christ. I explain this on the Rapture page.
The list of ten full members of the EU I received were:
France, Germany, Luxembourg, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, Portugal, Britain and Greece.
I can't find any list on the web in the EU web page to prove this to be sound doctrine, however, I did find the following list from April 5th, 2023. This list includes almost every nation in the list above. Co-incidence?
France, Germany, Luxembourg, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, Finland and Slovenia.
Since Brixit, when Britain left the EU, there are only 9 nations. This causes reflection, however, this could be the beginning of the 3 horns that are devoured by the little horn.
Today the European Union has become a power to be reckoned with. In 2010 the High Representative of the EU received power over the militia of the whole 27 nations and at his or her discretion can take control of this enormous army if he perceives there is an emergency situation. The recommendation that brought this about is Recommendation 666. Hmmmm. This recommendation could make the EU more powerful than the USA.
Are you still with me?
Understand that the Little Horn of Daniel 8 MUST be from a Muslim Nation because it tells us he comes out of one of the 4 regions once ruled by Alexander the Great's 4 generals and these are all Muslim nations today. It seems he first must become one of the lesser members because he rises up among the them.
This Little Horn must subdue 3 of the first horns. Possibly through elections as they slowly take over the majority of the population in what is called a civilization Jihad, a type of a Jihad where they populate a region first and then when their numbers reach a certain point the leaders call for Jihad and they then take over by force.
This 10 horned beast still has to go through more metamorphosis as the king that ascends from the pit places his own 10 kings over the beast and will destroy the Vatican City in one hour. To understand this king you need to understand that the earth is hollow just as I explain on page 1 of this site.
So the 10 horned beast starts out as the EU and eventually is taken over by Islam. Notice the beast hates the harlot and destroys her in one hour. Does the Koran not call for this?
Below is a link to show you how Islam is accomplishing their takeover of North America. It is the same basic way they are capturing the EU and many other nations around the globe.
The Muslim Brotherhood in America
We are exhorted by Jesus to watch and pray.
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